#Super smash bros download for 3ds how to
If I can't find any version of DTLS with the batch file in it I may just provide Smash 3DS's data folder as a download somewhere if that's okay, I mean, come on, I know writing a batch file for some maybe quick and easy to do, I mean, if you know exactly what you gotta write, then of course it'll be quick and easy since batch files are small and simple files, but for one, convenience is better than requiring you write your own batch file, and two, I don't know how to write what will work because I don't know the exact stuff I am supposed to write if I were to create the batch file myself, oof, DTLS with batch file anyone?) Sadly I don't remember exactly how to get the models and data folder from this, I kept trying to redo that and it won't work sadly, so oof, guess I can't help figuring that out, but I remember no one ever told me about this and expected me to automatically know it, but it's good I eventually figured it out, but now I feel bad that the most I can do to help is simply link the Smash 3DS Pack with the DTLS in it, but I don't remember how to use it, or how I used it, because I looked up a tutorial on that and it apparently is supposed to come with a batch file I never get, nor get from this. DTLS (You can get it from this which you can use the rom fs extractor that comes with this instead of using DotNet 3DS Toolkit, however, I used DotNet 3DS toolkit, lol, but you don't have to because this comes with a rom fs extractor and the DTLS tools. DotNet 3DS toolkit (and a Smash 3DS rom, which you may obtain either legally by dumping or through the internet) in order to dump the ingame files for Smash 3DS, which, doesn't give you a data folder yet, because then you'll need